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For years many year we have had a burden growing in our hearts to see people trained for ministry. The need has become more and more evident. We have seen how people’s beliefs and ideas can easily become misguided, in church culture and the culture as a whole here in Ecuador. Even as we have visited many different cities throughout Latin America, we have seen over and over again that the church still doesn’t have a strong voice or influence in the culture and we want to help change that. 

Our dream is to establish a ministry training school that would be a place where people from Ecuador and throughout Latin America can come to be trained and equipped for ministry. A place where people can come and receive quality, healthy training for the roles God has called them to, even if they are not called to full-time ministry.

Our goal for this school is for the Kingdom of Heaven be established here on earth so that poverty, injustice and pain will be fully eradicated by people who know their identities in Christ and are equipped to become the carriers of a new culture of RADICAL LOVE that invades all spheres of society and brings TRANSFORMATION.